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Food Safety Resources

    The topic of safety in the production process is of the utmost importance to any entrepreneur or business that is developing food for commercial sales. Foodborne illnesses are a preventable, underreported public health problem, which place a burden on consumers while negatively affecting a company’s sales and brand.

    The Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI) offers the following resources to help avoid common food safety issues: Continue Reading Food Safety Resources

    Fergus Foods/Nots snacks

      Idea to reality: Create a non-nut snack that appeals to those with nut allergies and build an allergen-free kitchen for the production of these and other foods. AURI’s role: AURI assisted in product and process development, trouble-shooting, shelf-life guidance, nutritional labeling, test market research and scale-up. In addition, AURI provided cost-share assistance for UPC labeling and to secure Non-GMO and Vegan Certifications. Outcomes: Nots! owner Rob Fuglie recently opened an… Continue Reading Fergus Foods/Nots snacks


        Idea to reality: Suntava, a Minnesota food ingredients company, has come up with a natural alternative to Red Dye No. 40. Its proprietary hybrids of purple corn are a treasure trove of healthful food ingredients, from a natural red colorant, to milled components for everything from snack bars to cereals. AURI’s role: AURI has assisted Suntava with a variety of product development activities since 2002. Outcomes: The Twin Cities-based Suntava… Continue Reading Suntava