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Enhancing the functionality of delactosed whey: adding value for dairy and meat producers

    Overall, results indicated that DLW subjected to controlled and limited/moderate hydrolysis can easily replace whey protein isolates in processed meat applications. The use of hydrolyzed DLW in meat products will result in a dual benefit to both the dairy industry through adding value to a dairy coproduct, and to the meat industry by reducing cost. Continue Reading Enhancing the functionality of delactosed whey: adding value for dairy and meat producers

    Spontaneous off flavored raw milk: develop detection methods and prevention strategies

      Over the past five decades, researchers have investigated factors that influence the occurrence of ‘spontaneous oxidized off‐flavor’ in milk; however, the conclusions from this body of work are not consistent and limit our ability to monitor and control this important industrial problem. This reports looks to define the causative off‐flavor compounds involved to more appropriately develop analytical methods for detection of this milk quality issue based on understanding the chemistry involved. Continue Reading Spontaneous off flavored raw milk: develop detection methods and prevention strategies

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