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Utilization of corn- and soy coproducts in feedlot diets, and evaluation of environmental factors contributing to the prevalence of E.coli 0157:H7 shedding

    Results indicate feeding high levels of corn or soy coproducts in feedlot heifer diets does not have an effect on carcass characteristics, drip loss, or subjective retail shelf life evaluation; however, combining all coproducts in a low grain inclusion diets impacted objective measurements of tenderness. Continue Reading Utilization of corn- and soy coproducts in feedlot diets, and evaluation of environmental factors contributing to the prevalence of E.coli 0157:H7 shedding

    Fertilizer value of manure

      This research can help direct cattle producers on design, construction and management of their feeding operations to effectively raise cattle along with gaining greater economic value to manure. The manure can be applied to corn and other crop fields for potentially enhanced yields. Continue Reading Fertilizer value of manure

      Impact of feeding diets containing reduced-oil distillers dried grains with solubles on growth performance and pork fat quality of growing-finishing pigs

        Reduced oil concentration in DDGS has minimal, if any, effect on growth performance and carcass com The reduced oil concentration in DDGS generally improves pork fat quality when high levels of DDGS are added to growing-finishing diets, but the magnitude of this improvement is not proportional to the change in oil content among DDGS sources. Continue Reading Impact of feeding diets containing reduced-oil distillers dried grains with solubles on growth performance and pork fat quality of growing-finishing pigs