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The Plant-Based Opportunity for U.S. Agriculture (Webinar)

Consumption of plant-based foods is currently growing by leaps and bounds in the United States, outpacing expansion in the overall retail food market. Despite this growth, many of the ingredients needed to produce these foods are currently imported from outside the U.S. due to insufficient domestic supplies. From almonds and specialty grains to oats and peas, these crops – many of which can be produced in Minnesota and the Midwest – are in high demand, creating new opportunities for Minnesota and regional agricultural producers seeking alternative markets.

The Plant Based Foods Association (PBFA) is one of the leaders in identifying and building new opportunities in this emerging market. Founded in 2016, the PBFA represents more than 300 companies and key stakeholders in the plant-based foods industry. Watch AURI Connects: Fields of Innovation’s webinar to learn from PBFA leaders about this promising market opportunity for U.S. agriculture.

Run Time: 1:02:17