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Minnesota Food Production Sector: Growing Green Jobs

    Minnesota’s food industry may provide significant opportunity for growing jobs that are considered green. This comprehensive report takes a look at where those opportunities may lie. File Attached: MN_Food_Production_Sector_Growing_Green_Jobs.pdf

    Local Foods Market Report

      There is growing interest among consumers in knowing the origins of the food they eat. This is also creating opportunities for producers. A market study sponsored by AURI and the Minnesota Farmers Union examines what opportunities exist. File Attached: Local_foods_market_report.pdf

      Oilseed Executive Summary

        Minnesota farmers produce thousands of acres of oilseeds including soybeans, canola, sunflowers and more. But the amount of oilseeds processed in the state is pale in comparison to the amount of oilseeds grown in Minnesota. An AURI study examined emerging opportunities in oilseed processing within the state and identified some potential areas worthy of further investigation. This executive summary reports on the areas which are of most interest at this… Continue Reading Oilseed Executive Summary

        Meat Industry Impact Study

          The purpose of this study is to estimate the economic impact of meat/milk processing plants to the state’s economy and community vitality. This study will utilize a regional input-output model (IMPLAN) to estimate the output and employment impacts on all production and support industries. File Attached: meat.pdf

          Multi Species Report

            In an effort to reach possible new markets, interest in producing alternative livestock has grown among Minnesota producers. For many of these species, little information exists. AURI has commissioned a study which focuses on the current and future potential of a number of alternative species as meat producing animals and birds. This study is helpful for producers who may be interested in pursuing alternative species production for their operation. File… Continue Reading Multi Species Report

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