Biobased Industry Needs Assessment Biobased products are growing in demand. This project will identify and create a contact database of key biobased products, service
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Keep up with latest agriculture innovation news, from the most recent winner of Ag Innovator of the Year, to our success stories, and beyond.
The Agricultural Utilization Research Institute—Minnesota’s research, development and innovation organization for value-added agriculture—today announced the launch of an assessment of the state’s agbioscience research
Ranae Jorgenson, analytical chemist at the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI), was part of a team of researchers awarded the Global Award for Applied
AURI Meats Scientist Carissa Nath served as a judge for the 2012 Minnesota State Fair Processed Meats Championship. Congratulations to all of the champions!
Many visitors stopped by AURI’s tent at Farmfest 2012 to see updates in food, renewable energy, coproducts and biobased energy. AURI clients were on