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AURI Executive Director’s Column

For an organization to succeed, it’s important to see the big picture. Many factors influence an industry, what it accomplishes and where it should go. Some are under your control; others are not.

Minnesota’s agricultural economy, for example, not only entails grain and livestock production, but energy production, coproduct use, innovative technologies, land resources, green jobs and more. At AURI, we strive to continually monitor and understand how seemingly disparate factors — like government policy, weather, consumer preference, even world events — can influence the agriculture industry.

While the whole picture is important, so is focusing on what we do best and recognizing how it fits into the overall scheme. AURI strives to provide the best scientific and technical expertise, feasibility studies and targeted networking to add value and longterm economic vitality to rural Minnesota. But we don’t operate in a vacuum; rather, AURI services complement other resources to provide Minnesota businesses and entrepreneurs with a competitive advantage.

Throughout AURI’s 20-year history, our service and delivery has evolved. Circumstances and needs have changed, but AURI’s commitment to the mission of developing new uses for agricultural products has not wavered.

As AURI celebrates 20 years of operation, we reflect on our past achievements and clients while remaining firmly focused on meeting the agriculture industry’s current needs. It’s important to not only see the big picture, but to understand your role in it.

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