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Bringing brainpower together

Anyone who has been part of an athletic team, debate club or theater performance realizes that it takes more than one person to achieve success. While there may be individual stars on the team or in the cast, they don’t get far without support and efforts from the rest.

AURI takes that approach with agricultural innovations.

Providing scientific and technical assistance to Minnesota industries and entrepreneurs is AURI’s sole focus. We generate economic activity in Minnesota communities by helping businesses take advantage of innovative opportunities in food, renewable energy, coproduct utilization and biobased products.

We provide a broad range of services to expand markets, develop new uses and improve processes. We’ve done that successfully for more than 20 years.

But we haven’t done it alone.

AURI long ago recognized the value of collaborating with other organizations —from university researchers to economic developers to businesses. With limited time and staff, we are more effective when combining the resources and ideas of our partners with our own. Collaboration is possible when all parties realize they have something to gain by brining brainpower together.

For example, executive directors and staff from many of the state’s agricultural organizations recently met to discuss issues we all face. By connecting groups with mutual interests and concerns, we can develop action plans to address those concerns and promote

mutual understanding.

Working together has helped entire industries move forward. Minnesota’s Renewable Energy Roundtable has brought together more than 500 individuals representing over 120 organizations. As a result, renewable-energy curriculum is now offered at several Minnesota colleges and universities, tools have been developed for regions to assess their available biomass resources, and ventures have been linked to resources they need to grow.

In a state with a long history of cooperatives, the spirit of collaboration remains alive and well.

Looking for AVA?

AURI’s new virtual assistant, AVA, makes food expertise available to everyone. Try AVA now!