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AURI Coproduct Pilot Lab Capability Showcase (Webinar Wednesday)

The Agricultural Utilization Research Institute’s (AURI) mission is to foster long-term economic benefit for Minnesota through value-added agricultural products. AURI does this by helping to develop new uses for agricultural products through science and technology as well as by partnering with businesses and entrepreneurs to bring ideas to reality. AURI has multiple facilities across the state of Minnesota that offer a broad range of services – from hands-on technical assistance to research services and a targeted network of resources.

The AURI team members in Waseca, MN highlight their lab capabilities which support renewable energy, coproduct, biobased and food projects. They showcase new resource additions to the AURI Waseca pilot lab such as a Food Grade processing area, hemp fiber decorticator, new drying and dewatering capabilities, densification equipment and more. Listeners will gain an understanding of the expertise and capabilities the Waseca lab houses, which can aid businesses with process and product development.

Run Time: 52:53