Each year AURI has the privilege to work with hundreds of Minnesota businesses as they look to add value to Minnesota commodities. As an organization, we are continually amazed by the ingenuity and passion of our clients. We are happy to work with them to implement innovations in their businesses. We feel that by supporting our clients as they develop new products, refine processes, and squeeze out efficiencies, we are helping to make our state’s businesses more competitive and our communities more vibrant. To our clients, thank you for the opportunity to do this important work with you.
Throughout the course of the year we have the opportunity partner with numerous other organizations, stakeholders, and industry experts. Each one of these relationships helps AURI better serve our clients and the state of Minnesota. To our partners, thank you for your dedication to improving Minnesota and for your willingness to collaborate.
From the AURI Board of Directors and staff, we would like to thank you all for your support over the past year and wish you a wonderful Holiday season. We look forward to working with you in 2012.