Food safety has always been a major concern for both consumers and producers alike. This is no exception for the meat processing industry in Minnesota, which works hard to ensure their products are safe. To assist these meat processors, AURI Meat Scientist Carissa Nath has been working with Dr. Ryan Cox, Extension Meat Specialist at the University of Minnesota, to conduct Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) training workshops throughout Minnesota to educate processors on HACCP standards and procedures.
HACCP, Sanitation and Auditing workshops are being planned for 2012 and include the following dates: February 23 and 24 in St. Cloud; May 17 and 18 in St. Paul; September 27 and 28 in Marshall; and November 15 and 16 in St. Paul. For more information or to register please contact Ryan Cox at or 612-624-3063.
Every meat processor is required to have a HACCP plan in place for their facility and products. The plan has processors look at their operation from the raw to finished products and identifies any critical points where hazards may occur. These hazards could be biological, chemical or physical but the HACCP plan puts control measures in place to prevent these hazards from happening. “HACCP is really a proactive and preventative measure to protect consumers” said Nath. These trainings will cover the impact of food safety on the industry, principles, development and implementation of HACCP plans, labeling and allergens, food defense plans, and Minnesota State inspection programs.