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Effects of ratio of condensed distiller’s solubles to wet distillers’ grains on performance of wean to finish pigs

    The objective of this study was to compare the performance of pigs fed diets containing 20% distillers’ dried grains with solubles (DDGS) to that of pigs fed diets containing combinations of wet distillers’ grains (WDG) and condensed distiller’s solubles (CDS). Continue Reading Effects of ratio of condensed distiller’s solubles to wet distillers’ grains on performance of wean to finish pigs

    Increasing the usage level of corn and distillers grains in market turkey diets through the use of supplemental amino acids

      More research needs to be conducted to learn more of the inter-relationships of amino acids for turkey. While this study emphasized valine and tryptophan supplementation, isoleucine could also be potentially limiting in reduced protein diets. Continue Reading Increasing the usage level of corn and distillers grains in market turkey diets through the use of supplemental amino acids

      Bio‐methane potential (BMP) of sieved dairy manure with condensed distillers solubles (CDS) and cheese whey

        This study aims to assess the bio‐methane potential of sieved dairy manure with different organic byproducts including condensed distillers solubles (CDS) and cheese whey. Project outcomes: Find new ways to utilize agricultural coproducts; benefiting the ethanol and dairy industries. Continue Reading Bio‐methane potential (BMP) of sieved dairy manure with condensed distillers solubles (CDS) and cheese whey

        Midwest Ag Enterprises

          Idea: Find a protein feed source for nursery pigs and poultry to replace fish meal, which is decreasing in supply. AURI’s role & outcomes: AURI staff helped Midwest Ag Enterprises identify a process to remove oligosaccharides, which interfere with digestion and nutrient absorption, from soy meal to make it an attractive feed option.

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