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Manure Digestion System

    Livestock producers in Minnesota and elsewhere are seeking ways to deal with manure from their operations in a safe, efficient and sustainable way. Among the options is the use of a manure digester. This manure treatment system produces several components including bio-solids that can be land applied for fertilizer. The other co-generated product is methane gas, which can be flared off or burned as a green fuel for power generation… Continue Reading Manure Digestion System

    Methane Digester Basics

      Anaerobic digesters are not necessarily a fit for every operation. There are multiple considerations that should be addressed prior to installing these digesters. File Attached: Anaerobic_Digester.pdf

      Amino Acids Brochure

        With the fluctuating cost of soybean meal and synthetic lysine, many producers are faced with looking for cost effective alternatives for this limiting amino acid in livestock diets. This brochure provides an easily accessible comparison list for lysine and methionine levels found in various Minnesota agricultural products and co-products that potentially could be used as a feed supplement. Dry matter results are listed in the tables because this is one… Continue Reading Amino Acids Brochure

        Co-Products Brochure

          AURI Development and Utilization of Agricultural Co-Products Program seek utilization ideas for plant and animal by/co-products that present environmental and economic opportunities. The development of value-added agricultural products include – fertilizers – sorbents – renewable fuels – energy – animal feeds – soil amendments – biodegradables File Attached: Co-Products Lab brochure (PDF)

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