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Renewable Energy Products Success Stories

Learn how AURI can work with you by reading the success stories of past and current Renewable Energy clients.

gas pump with yellow field in background

The DNA of Innovation: AURI Award Winner Has Long Value-Added History

BY DAN LEMKE Founders of the Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company (CVEC) in Benson were among the first to ride Minnesota’s growing ethanol wave. CVEC formed in 1995 and began processing corn into ethanol in 1996, becoming just the fifth enterprise in a state that now boasts 21 corn ethanol plants. CVEC’s Benson facility has the… Continue Reading The DNA of Innovation: AURI Award Winner Has Long Value-Added History

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RENEWABLE Energy Profile:

By AURI Renewable energy is important to Minnesota and the world at large because it offers the ability to power society from a clean and diverse set of sources. AURI understands its importance and plays a meaningful role in the exciting opportunities it offers by developing renewable energy from agricultural products. Even though AURI does… Continue Reading RENEWABLE Energy Profile:

Riverview, LLP

Idea to reality: Convert manure into renewable electricity, livestock bedding and fertilizer. AURI’s role: In AURI’s coproducts lab, scientists assisted with the densification of dairy digester solids into a pellet form for value-added opportunities. Outcome: The company’s three anaerobic manure digesters, installed in 2008 and 2010, capture methane, a natural gas substitute that can be… Continue Reading Riverview, LLP

Alternative Energy Solutions

Idea to reality: The Kriedermacher family needed a more cost-efficient way to heat their 65,000 square-foot greenhouse, Pork and Plants. Brothers Eric and Paul decided to make biomass pellets that could be burned in boilers to heat the greenhouses. AURI’s role: AURI Scientist Al Doering worked with the Kreidermachers in AURI’s Coproducts Lab in Waseca… Continue Reading Alternative Energy Solutions

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