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You Are What You Eat: The Nexus of Food & Health

AURI, MyFormulary USA, Larta Institute and Mercy Hospitality are pleased to announce they are jointly hosting an upcoming event on October 11, called You Are What You Eat: The Nexus of Food & Health.

This full-day event will focus on how food and ingredients play a role in health and their importance to disease prevention and treatment. The sessions bring together experts from throughout the industry to share insight and personal stories on the space shared by food and health and promote an understanding around the old, the new and the relevant in the journey from farm to plate. In addition, local Executive Chefs demonstrate the preparation of nutritious and delicious foods for a tasting lunch followed by a keynote on how to bring Functional Foods into our daily lives.

Attendees will leave with an in-depth understanding of what Functional Foods are and can accomplish as well as how food ingredients can improve human health to help advance opportunities in the health-food nexus revolution. This event also aims to drive ideation around how foods can likely lead to better management of the health care trifecta of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

View full agenda and speaker information here.

Registration is now open! Choose from half day sessions or a full day session.