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Fields of Innovation: Solar Farm to Table

Over the past decade, solar energy has grown exponentially in Minnesota.  As of 2020, the state ranked 15th in the nation in solar energy production and is home to nearly 9,000 solar installations.   Many of these new solar sites are located in and near communities with a long tradition of harnessing the sun for another important use—agriculture. Join us on Friday, August 27th, as AURI’s Fields of Innovation welcomes leaders from the solar, ag, and food industries who are working to unlock the potential of Minnesota’s solar sites by connecting renewable energy and agriculture to produce energy and food in more sustainable ways.

About AURI Connects: Fields of Innovation

AURI Connects: Fields of Innovation is a platform focused on bringing together Minnesota’s regional ag and food value chains to build capacity and successfully commercialize new and emerging crops. Events focus on highlighting promising new crops, examining market opportunities for emerging crops and highlighting new technologies in existing crops.

Fields of Innovation has a multi-crop focus, providing opportunities for stakeholders to expand their networks, identify synergies and build new collaborations. With its focus on connecting innovation and market development, this platform aims to build a strong ecosystem for new and emerging crops in Minnesota and its border states that will provide ag producers and value chain partners with new, sustainable options to diversify and thrive.”

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