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Midwest Ag Enterprises and TechMix Named Ag Innovators of the Year

    Midwest Ag Enterprises (Marshall, Minn.) and TechMix (Stewart, Minn.) have been named Ag Innovators of the Year by the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI). The award is given annually to an innovative company that has successfully contributed to value-added agriculture in Minnesota. TechMix and Midwest Ag have partnered, with assistance from Minnesota Soybean and AURI, to address a long-standing problem in the livestock feed industry with an innovative solution. Historically,… Continue Reading Midwest Ag Enterprises and TechMix Named Ag Innovators of the Year

    From the farm to a face near you

      –by Jonathan Eisenthal Minnesota farmers plant around seven million acres of soybeans each year, and a major part of the crop’s attraction is its value-added products like biodiesel and glycerin that increase the worth of the commodity and create additional revenue streams for processors Minnesota Soybean Processors (MnSP) in Brewster recently worked with AURI to study whether refining glycerin would be a good fit for their company, which crushes soybeans… Continue Reading From the farm to a face near you