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New Board Members Sought to Enable Value-Added Agriculture in Minnesota

The Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI), seeks highly skilled candidates with diverse experiences to serve on its governing Board of Directors.

“The ideal candidates for the open Agribusiness and At-Large seats must demonstrate AURI’s values and have leadership experiences in one or more of the following areas: product or brand marketing, market intelligence, finance, strategy implementation, and change management as it relates to the organization’s mission,” said Nominating Committee Chair Jon Veldhouse.

Each elected board member will serve a three-year term with a time commitment of up to seven meetings per year and some industry-related activities, which occur at various locations throughout Minnesota.

Agribusiness Candidate Application Information:

In addition to the above areas, AURI is particularly interested in agribusiness applicants with experience in the agriculture industry, food or renewable chemicals, fuels, or products. Interested parties who currently represent a Minnesota agribusiness should submit a resume, brief biography and letter of interest to by December 4, 2022.  Organizations recommending an individual should send a letter of support by the same date. Election for the open seat will occur during the AURI Board of Directors annual meeting on January 19, 2023.

At-Large Candidate Application Information:

Applicants are sought from a wide range of professions and diverse backgrounds. To apply,  submit a letter of interest indicating how you believe your skills will add value to the organization, along with a summary of qualifications to by December 4, 2022.  Election for the open seat will occur during the AURI Board of Directors annual meeting on January 19, 2023.

For questions, please contact Linda Thompson, Director of Organizational Advancement or Jon Veldhouse, Nominating Committee Chair.

*To schedule an interview with Jon Veldhouse or any other member of the AURI Board Nominating Committee, please contact Erik Evans at or 612.704.1120.

About AURI

The mission of AURI is to foster long-term economic benefit for Minnesota through value-added agricultural products. The organization helps develop new uses for agricultural products through science and technology, partnering with businesses and entrepreneurs to bring ideas to reality.

AURI generates economic impact in Minnesota communities by helping businesses take advantage of innovative opportunities in four focus areasbiobased productsrenewable energycoproducts and food. It provides a broad range of services to expand markets, develop new uses and improve processes. AURI provides hands-on scientific technical assistance, and a targeted network of resources to develop value-added uses for crops and coproducts.