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CenterPoint Energy Proposes Bipartisan Clean Energy Legislation

By CenterPoint Energy, Inc.

CenterPoint Energy, Minnesota’s largest natural gas utility serving more than 860,000 residential and business customers, is proposing state legislation promoting innovative clean energy resources and technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and advance Minnesota’s clean energy future.

The Natural Gas Innovation Act would establish a state regulatory policy allowing a natural gas utility to add alternative fuels, such as renewable natural gas and hydrogen gas, to its distribution system. A utility could also deploy new energy-efficiency and carbon-capture technologies to reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas use.

Read more here.

Shannon Schlecht, Executive Director of the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI) said, “Minnesota agriculture has always been a leader in innovation. With the Natural Gas Innovation Act, farmers and rural entrepreneurs will have an exciting opportunity to take that leadership to a new level by transforming agricultural waste into a sustainable, Minnesota-produced clean energy alternative to conventional natural gas.