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A Call for Nominations: AURI Seeks Two Board Candidates

The Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI) seeks diverse and highly skilled candidates to fill two open seats on its board of directors; one seat represents a Minnesota agribusiness and the other represents a Minnesota research and promotion council.  Ideal board skills include strong interpersonal communication, financial management, and experiences in leadership as it relates to AURI’s mission – foster long-term economic benefit for Minnesota through value-added agricultural products.

AURI’s board of directors is comprised of representatives of the state’s research promotion councils, farm organizations, agribusiness and members of the Minnesota House and Senate agriculture committees.

  • Chairman of the Minnesota House of Representatives Ag Committee or designee. Currently this position is filled by Representative Debra Kiel.
  • Chairman of the Minnesota Senate Ag Committee or designee.  Currently this position is filled by Senator Matt Schmit.
  • Two representatives of state farm organizations.  Currently these positions are filled by Jerry Hasnedl (Minnesota Farmers Union) and John Gilbertson (Minnesota Farm Bureau).
  • Three representatives of Minnesota research and promotion councils.  Currently these positions are filled by Ron Obermoller (soybean), Art Brandli (wheat) and John Shafer (beef).
  • Two representatives of Minnesota agribusiness.  Currently these positions are filled by John Goihl (Agri-Nutrition Services) and Jill Zullo (Cargill).

The board position has a three-year term.  The time commitment is approximately eight meetings per year, which occur at various locations throughout Minnesota.

To achieve its mission, the organization develops new uses and processes for agricultural commodities and products through its programs and services, resulting in innovative uses for traditional, unexplored or overlooked resources.  AURI collaborates with businesses and entrepreneurs to bring ideas to reality for the purpose of increasing commodity utilization, product viability and market expansion.

Nominees’ application materials must include a resume, a brief biography, and a letter of interest by email or U.S. mail as indicated below.  Candidates nominated by a Minnesota research and promotion council must provide a letter of support from the organization. All application materials must be received by December 9, 2016.  Elections for the open seat will occur at the AURI board meeting on January 19, 2017.



U.S. mail:
Attention:  Angela Owens, HR & Administrative Specialist
510 County Road 71, Suite 120
Crookston, MN 56716

AURI is an equal opportunity organization and welcomes diverse backgrounds.