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–by Jonathan Eisenthal

Zula juiceFor the many Americans who are trying to get fit, running sounds like a great way to get in shape. But running after kids, running errands, and running the laundry machine can be exhausting to many parents and adults—leaving them sapped of the time and energy for good nutrition and true exercise.

It was out of this new parent exhaustion that Renee Peters first discovered her passion for juicing.

“To get all the nutrients I needed when my children were young was challenging,” says Peters. “I found that the juicing lifestyle helped me to get more concentrated nutrition. It was also something fun to do, and I could provide it for my children as well.”

Peters and her husband, Tim, realized that there was a market of other people who wanted the nutritional benefits of juicing—without the work of doing it themselves and with the promise of good taste. Out of this idea came Zula Juice.

Renee explains that a lot of people will try juicing and they will give up, because they don’t get the ingredients right and the taste isn’t what they want.

Zula Juice launched its website in October 2013, and began offering the Twin Cities public eight varieties of raw, organic, cold-pressed juices. Bottled in 16-oz, single-serving containers, Zula Juice’s offerings include ‘Beet Retreat,’ ‘Carrot Plunge,’ and ‘Cashew Dream,’ among others.

Freshness may be the single most key element that sets their product apart. “All of the juices that are ordered on our web site are juiced-to-order,” explains Renee. “We juice it, bottle it, and immediately deliver it to our customer.

“We are passionate about the true juicing lifestyle—getting that juice fresh. The benefits of the juice are highest when the juice is fresh.”

Zula Juice offers delivery across the state of Minnesota and free delivery within 15 miles of its commercial kitchen, located in St. Paul, Minnesota (55420).

The Peters went to AURI for nutritional analysis and labeling, which can be a tricky and expensive process for juice products when done by a private lab. In addition, the timing of an analysis is important, because nutrients are highest right when the juice has been pressed.

“There is a taste difference when you have fresh juice,” explains AURI’s Charan Wadhawan, who assisted the Peters. “There can be a lot more flavor.”

Zula Juice’s top selling offering is its ‘cleanse pack,’ for either a one-day or three-day juice cleanse.

“The idea is to give the digestive system a break and flood it with all the phytonutrients and vitamins that are naturally occurring in the juice,” says Renee. “You drink six juices all day, and nothing else other than water. There can also be a weight loss benefit, and it can be a jumpstart into a healthier lifestyle.