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AURI Launches Agriculture Innovation Partnership Program

In an effort to develop more value-added ideas with the potential to benefit Minnesota’s value-added agricultural businesses, entrepreneurs, agricultural processors and farmers, AURI launched a new venture this year called the Agriculture Innovation Partnership (AIP) program. It aims to further AURI’s collaborative efforts with partner organizations to develop opportunities to add value to agricultural products through practical, applied research.

Information generated by the AIP program will be shared throughout the applicable industry, utilizing AURI’s media channels and its Innovation Network events. The overall goal is to provide important game-changing information to translate opportunities into marketable processes and products, ultimately resulting in economic impact.

To apply for this program, proposals must be submitted by May 15th and topics must adhere
to the following criteria:

  • Align with AURI’s Mission:
    Information generated from proposed initiatives must have potential to add value
    to a Minnesota agricultural product and foster long-term economic growth.
  • Potential for Industry Wide Impact:
    Proposals must clearly address an agricultural industry need or opportunity.
    At the onset of an initiative, successful applications must articulate how the scope of work will benefit industry and estimate when that benefit is likely to occur. Proposals must include dissemination plans and an explanation of expected measureable economic impacts. In addition, proposals should demonstrate strong partnerships and collaboration.
  • Public Domain:
    Findings are public information. Therefore, proposals should not include information that is proprietary in nature or request funding for research that would likely yield proprietary information.

Any Minnesota organization, research entity, individual, or business is eligible to apply and receive funding, including farmers, farmer networks, institutions of higher education, research institutions, nonprofit organizations, agricultural cooperatives, and agricultural businesses.

Interested individuals should review the AIP guidelines for further details related to program criteria, eligibility and the application process.

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