Term Expires: January 2026
Joe Serbus has been farming for more than 40 years in Renville County, where he grows corn, soybeans and sweetcorn on his third-generation operation.
As a lifetime farmer, Joe has served his community with distinction by volunteering on several boards for numerous organizations. In 2016, Joe was elected to serve as the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council’s District 5 & 6 director. He currently leads as chair of Council, which directs the state’s soybean checkoff program and invests checkoff resources into developing value-added products, among many other projects. He also represents the Council on the Soy Transportation Coalition.
He served on the Franklin School Board for five years – three of which served as the chair – and 23 years on the Cedar Mountain School Board, with three years as chair. For six years, Joe served on the Norfolk Township board. He remains active as representative of the local Tri-Parish Pastor Committee and the FFA Board of Trustees.
Joe previously worked as an FSA Field Reporter for Renville County. He is the owner-operator of Mid-Minnesota Agriculture. At Mid-Minnesota Agriculture, Joe helps supply all seed and retail chemicals for agriculture production as well as establish CRP, CREP and Pollinator plantings. He’s also been a Minnesota Certified Crop Adjuster for the past 15 years.
Joe and his wife, Doreen, live in rural Bird Island and have been married for more than 35 years. Their three children, Trevor, Kelsey and Joseph, are all giving back to rural Minnesota through their full-time jobs as well as helping out on the family farm.