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Research reports

Creating food crisps and puffs using non-fat dry milk

Read the complete report: Twin-screw extrusion puffing of non-fat dry milk powder

About this report:

The use of twin-screw extrusion to produce puffs and crisps for cereals and snacks is widely utilized in the food industry. Soy protein is the leading protein used in this category. Extrusion puffing of caseinates and whey protein concentrates has been researched extensively, but much less has been published using non-fat dry milk (NDM). This study evaluated formula and processing conditions for creating expanded puffs with significant amounts of NDM.


It is clear that nonfat dry milk provided structural integrity to the extrudates and can be used as a protein source for extruded products.

Project outcomes:

This study allows producers of extruded protein ingredients for use as inclusions in bars or in cereal to use nonfat dry milk in their products as a protein source. This could lead to increased utilization of this milk commodity.


Midwest Dairy Association


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