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About AURI

Photo of Alexandra Diemer

Alexandra Ostlund

At AURI, Alexandra will focus on the intersection of new product/process development and climate resilient solutions to add value to agricultural crops and products. Alexandra will serve as a resource and connector for value chain participants, from growers to processors, who wish to develop markets for emerging crops. Her efforts will strive to be inclusive of all Minnesota entities interested in adding value to their operations via novel supply chain development.

Alexandra grew up on a farm in Heron Lake, MN where a strong connection to land management and stewardship was instilled and fostered from a young age. She holds degrees in Biology (B.A.) and International Development Practice (M.A.) with minors in nutrition and science/technology/energy policy. Her background prior to joining AURI is largely within international development, ecosystem-scale conservation science (based on a blend of scientific inquiry and indigenous knowledge systems), and urban agriculture and agroforestry production, marketing, and extension services. Alexandra has conducted field research, worked on climate adaptation strategies, analyzed forestry value chains, and coordinated community-driven agricultural grant projects in Senegal, Namibia, Peru, India, Nepal, Canada, and the U.S.