Members of Minnesota’s meat processing industry will soon be gathering to promote and advance their industry.
The Minnesota Association of Meat Processors (MAMP) annual convention will be held Friday, March 18 and Saturday, March 19 at the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester. New this year will be a pre-convention workshop held at Erdman County Market in Kasson. This hands-on seminar will feature tricks of the trade to making several greatmeat products including ham, jerky, and poultry sausages. This will be an opportunity for meat processors to come together and share their ideas.
In addition to participating with an exhibit, AURI Meat Scientist Carissa Nath will be on hand to answer questions and visit with the meat processors. Nath and Dr. Ryan Cox will present a seminar and demonstration on low sodium processing formulations.
‘With consumers becoming more and more health conscious it is important that we provide alternative processing formulations to meet those consumer demands,’ Nath says.