About General Mills’ EPIC Product:
EPIC set out to create the world’s first 100% Grass-fed meat, fruit, and nut bar. We call our product EPIC because it improves the lives of animals, regenerates our bodies, and helps heal the land.
Open Innovation Challenge:
Need 100% Grass-fed bison meat to support mission and business growth
Scope of Solution Space:
- 100% Grass-fed Bison meat without the use of antibiotics or confined feeding
- Seeking ranchers to raise and process bison for EPIC supply chain need
- EPIC will partner with ranchers in the form of supply agreements to purchase raw material (meat, bone and fat) that meets specification requirements.
Innovation Solutions Not of Interest:
- No brokers or intermediaries
- Will work directly with ranchers
- No confined feeding operations
Proposal Response Deadline:
April 30, 2019
Contact and More Information:
To submit your proposal online, click the link below:
Open Innovation Submission Form
To submit your proposal in a PDF document, click here.